Monday, August 15, 2011

If you want to forget all your other troubles, wear too tight shoes

I'm back! Back in aboriginal land, back in country i love. But its not so much fun this time and its only because of my stupidness. Game here rushing too much, didn't think like one adult should do before doing big step like this and i just game. Anyways i have no money, no job, nowhere to live, nothing to seems quite few problems. And yes I'm wearing too tight shoes to forget about all these problems i have at the moment. And guess what it doesn't help much...just having more problems. But i believe i will come out of this situation like i did when i had same experience in Ireland on my first year. I promised to myself i never will be in this position again, that i will do everything to avoid this but i didn't, i didn't keep my promise to myself. I'm bit sad.....
But i had a surf already, i met couple of old good friends again, i saw Sydney opera house (one of the things from my list i wanted to do here) and these old good friends been taking care of me so far, they are the best!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

she's coming home....she's coming home

well .....i had really busy trip byron to darwin and even more busy two weeks in bali.....will update very the moment in kuala lumpur waiting my flight home...see u soon!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Night!

this the video of the year

now its time....just last night in Byron and then I'm already discovering completely new side of Australia, outback, far far away! Thank you all my friends being my friends! Will always remember this awesome time here with you...

everything is backed, i have for sure too many things. 10 pairs of shoes, back bag full of clothes and then another bag full of clothes, two boxes full of other stuff i might need, like chargers, body lotions, papers, Cd's, sunscreens, tampons, hair clips, creams and dressings for my foot etc etc...i like to think i might need them and because I'm with car and its mine, why not to drag them with me. Will have this little garage sale at Darwin. By this time i should know exactly what i need or what i don't need. When u staying in one place for long time then u just collecting so many stuff without noticing. My car is my baby at the moment, it have to drive me for 5000 km, it have to give me roof for couple of weeks, i have to make sure i treat my baby good as well.

Staying home tonight, made cheesecake to my family, drinking little bit rum, chillin, watching movies.....

who's gonna shut my name now? who's gonna go for surf with me now? who's gonna go out with me and get pissed now? who's gonna make my car sandy now?......

Monday, May 9, 2011

Last day in Byron Bay..

One more day in this paradise and then i will be on the road again. So exciting, so scary. Cant wait when I'm finally on this big road trip, don't wanna many different feelings. No way I'm leaving this place without saying properly goodbye. I had big leaving party on Saturday, now i just have to do last bub growling and last walk through town. Things are almost packed, car is fixed, mind never will be ready for this. Its like leaving home, only difference u never know if u really coming back here. I hope i do and I'll do everything this to happen. All party pics will be in facebook. As a leaving present for myself i made a movie about Byron....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eastern Bunny and tears

I had to go back to doctors, to check my foot, but before that i already but diagnose myself and started with another treatment, cos i wasn't really agree what doctor said. Now after paying another 85 dollar, doctor agreed with my diagnose and gave me new prescription. I have fungus. How simple is that. But its really bad one, its blistering and skin under my foot is keep peeling off. Even its itchy as hell during the night and burning a lot, and sometimes bit hurting I'm happy, i know what it is and how to treat it. So should be fine very soon....

Eastern chocolate bunny waited me in my room after i had my confession to my dear friend how sad i am to leave and showed my tears to him. They weren't only sad tears they were also happy tears. I'm happy i had opportunity to live here, to know these people, to get so many good friends, to eat so many Tim-tam's and magnums, work with awesome people, to learn surf, to swim with dolphins, to spend long days on the beach, to smoke weed, to wear bikinis all day long, to get to know some assholes and some really nice guys, to drink lots of beer....all this made me happy, simple things but obviously they are important things.

Today I'm going surfing, and yes i really don't care at the moment how my fungus will react on this, been out of water more then enough, like 4 days, its time to jump in, especially when I'm leaving in few days time. Bring it on girl!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How i spent 85 dollars in 5 minutes?

Like u already know my foot looks pretty bad.... days later it went worse and worse, or more like this weird infection moved location. When before it was on my foot then now its under my foot and this big painful blister is burst by now. It looks more painful it is, but its itchy as hell. So i decided, finally to go to see a doctor. Doctor asked me two questions. 1. What happened? i told him 2. Do u have same tan back home or did u get it from here? eeeee....i even didn't know should i answer for that or not......then he just told me he will prescribe some antibiotics and nurse will but bandage on my foot. 5 minutes to see doctor, two questions, antibiotics prescription and 85 dollars....good i made this travel insurance...i guess.

Friday, April 22, 2011

weird wounds

they never heal, at least it takes double or even longer time to heal then normally. I can clean it or not, i can but medicine on top of it or not, i can swim or not....but the result is always the same. Wound is bigger, ugly, infected, and finally when even the smallest cut u have will heal it will leave one ugly scar. That's why i have hundred more scars i had before coming to OZ.

It was tiny tiny cut from fin two weeks ago. I was happy because it was about to heal with no problems and then just two days ago in the morning waited me nice surprise, and its the itchiest foot ever at the moment. Not really sure what happened.