Like u already know my foot looks pretty bad.... days later it went worse and worse, or more like this weird infection moved location. When before it was on my foot then now its under my foot and this big painful blister is burst by now. It looks more painful it is, but its itchy as hell. So i decided, finally to go to see a doctor. Doctor asked me two questions. 1. What happened? i told him 2. Do u have same tan back home or did u get it from here? eeeee....i even didn't know should i answer for that or not......then he just told me he will prescribe some antibiotics and nurse will but bandage on my foot. 5 minutes to see doctor, two questions, antibiotics prescription and 85 dollars....good i made this travel insurance...i guess.
oh. ma loodan, et jalg saab korda. anna teada, kuidas sul läheb.PAI!