Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Would u like some pancakes?".......

"Yes! i love pancakes!"
"Well, come on the roof in 15 minutes!"
" I will"
Had nice pancakes with honey this morning. That's how they treating me, cant complain. Few hours later:
"I actually have dinner for u as well, if u want"
"Whats for dinner?"
"Chicken curry"
"Sure, when i should come up?"
"20 min should be good"
"See u then!"
There is one shelf in kitchen which is for everybody, its "free food", its leftovers when somebody is leaving and they don't take their food with them. Its quite full today. Andrei and Madelaine left, they got new job in west. So we had happy days, new things are in our food baggies. Andrei and Madeline are really nice ones and i hope everything will go good for them. Great plans they have and great stuff they done so far. It was really nice to meet u guys! See u soon :D

Had karaoke night yesterday, i never sang, was just listening others. Met some new people from another backpackers place. Very good fun! My roommates were worried about me, cause they didn't know were i went.Andrei and Madeline thought I'm with Rick and he thought i might be with them. So they decided if I'm not back by morning they will make an official report. I thought i told them i have a plan to go there but, well, i guess i didn't. Nice that they care.

I found good spot in my room i can use free Internet, well I'm using somebodies. As long its working good and i don't have to pay downstairs lots of money of using Internet I'm happy. I even changed my bed because of this, in new bed I found better signal. Spent most of my day in room, I started to look job.

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