Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Tee tööd ja näe vaeva, siis tuleb armastus." A.H:Tammsaare

Farm life=simple life? Yes, work is quite easy, no responsibility and you don't have to think yourself at all. Sometimes when somebody start to think too much, we'll remind him that we wont get paid for thinking. Cut and only cut! Alarm is 6.25, then cooking porridge and changing into dirty working clothes. Trip to farm can start! Already 20 minutes later I'm hunkered down between long rows, knife in my one hand and cutting green corol, red butter, endive, whatever client wants. Hours pass by, more boxes fills up, sometimes we have time for lunch, sometimes we don't. That's why my new favorites are muesli bars. They help me to survive eight-hours-lasting working day. If we finish hand cutting before working day should finish then we continue between other long rows weeding rocket salad. These are not rare days when weeding last more then 5 hours. I don't complain, because I'm one of those who thinks its even easier then hand cutting. Driving home is usually ends up with beautiful sunset. I have to mention at this point that i think Australian sky is one of the amazing sky's my eye ever seen before. Whole sky is getting yellow and red very quickly and sometimes seems like we have two sunsets in same time.

Sunsets in Warwick

After work time

Farm where i work now



At home conditioner heats up our little room in 5 minutes and cosy evening could start. But.......but like i said I'm sharing this little 3 square meter room with one German guy i didn't now much before we moved here. He didn't become just my favorite dude. Don't get me wrong, he is really nice but I just miss my own room, i miss my own bed, i miss peace and silence, i miss cleanness. Phillip is sitting on the bed and talking with the phone. He will move next week to get better job. We just have to wait what future will bring for me after this.

Caravan park and Phil

Last week hit me bad luck. On Sunday we didn't need so many people to work and after drawing lots I'm the one who got extra day off. Two days off, no car, middle of nowhere, what should i do? I invited one of my friend to visit this beautiful place and me. Our neighbor gave his van as well, he just felt sorry of me. So i took Danny and van and went to see waterfall up in Queen Mary Falls National Park. There waited us magnificently beautiful view, walking path to waterfall was extraordinary green and leafy for Australia I've seen so far.


On Monday we decided with girls to try pilates class first time in our lives. We rushed home from work to change into cleaner clothes and i had to speed up van again. Although we were late for 5 minutes, we still got overview about this class.It seems really right decision to have relaxing stretching, bending, straightening after work where you stay in same position for hours and hours and lifting heavy boxes all day long. But next day, surprisingly we all felt really stiff and working seemed impossible. Even so we decided to carry on with these classes and we will meet up already on Friday!

Leslie Lake

Every day different sky

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